National PTA’s Take Your Family to School Week is February 11-17, 2024. The week celebrates the founding of PTA on February 17, 1987 and is designed to engage families in their children’s schools and build partnerships with teachers and administrators. The time to start planning how your PTA will celebrate Take Your Family to School Week is now, and National PTA has resources to help you do just that.

Family engagement is critical to student success, and Take Your Family to School Week is built around this concept. National PTA has eight ways your PTA can celebrate Take Your Family to School Week and build family engagement in your school.

  1. Explore PTA’s National Standards for Family School Partnerships with their ongoing webinar series. Upcoming webinars are January 24th, February 14th, March 13th, and April 3rd, all from 1:00pm-2:15pm Central Time.
  2. Enhance your PTA’s inclusion of historically underrepresented children and families with National PTA’s Multicultural Reference Guide (also available in Spanish).
  3. Become a role model and advocate for transformative family engagement by taking National PTA’s 25-minute Transformative Family Engagement e-learning course to learn the “Four I’s” of transformative family engagement—being inclusive, individualized, integrated, and impactful.
  4. Use a National PTA program to provide an engaging and education opportunity for families and students.
  5. Check out the Notes from the Backpack podcast..
  6. Speak up for the health and well-being of all children using National PTA’s Advocacy Toolkit and Illinois PTA’s Local Unit Advocacy Toolkit.
  7. Host a community listening session on a topic of your choice using National PTA’s Facilitating Community Listening Sessions Guide (also available in Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese, Somali, and Haitian).
  8. Share the value your PTA provides to your community by creating your own value message.

Founder’s Day and Take Your Family to School Week celebrate the birth of PTA. Use National PTA’s resources to decide how your PTA will join in the party.