The holiday season is a time for joy, unity, and celebration. As PTA members, we have the opportunity to make this festive season contain monumental joy by promoting inclusivity and diversification within our events, and creating opportunities for representation. Let’s explore ways to embrace the richness of our differences and create a holiday season that truly reflects the spirit of unity.

1. Acknowledge and Celebrate Diversity:
One of the first steps towards fostering inclusivity is to acknowledge and celebrate the diversity within our schools and communities. Recognize the various cultural and religious backgrounds that contribute to the tapestry of our PTA. Encourage open conversations about the different ways families celebrate the holidays and highlight the uniqueness of each tradition.

2. Educational Initiatives:
Use this holiday season as an opportunity to educate students and parents about various cultural celebrations. Organize informational sessions, presentations, or cultural fairs that showcase the customs, traditions, and histories associated with different holidays. Knowledge is a powerful tool for breaking down stereotypes and building understanding.

3. Inclusive Decorations:
When decorating schools or organizing holiday events, be mindful of the imagery and symbols used. Aim for decorations that represent a variety of traditions, avoiding exclusivity. Consider displaying artwork or crafts that highlight the diversity within the community, showcasing the beauty of different customs.

4. Inclusive Holiday Events:
Plan inclusive holiday events that cater to a wide range of cultural and religious backgrounds. This could involve organizing a multicultural holiday concert, where students can showcase their talents through performances that reflect their unique traditions. Collaborate with local communities to bring in speakers or performers who can share their cultural insights. Considering renaming celebrations that only include certain holidays or cultural backgrounds (ex. Santa), to titles that include all families.

5. Community Engagement:
Encourage your PTA members to actively engage with the community by participating in local cultural events and festivals. Building bridges between different communities can create a sense of unity and understanding. Attendees can learn from one another and forge connections that extend beyond the holiday season.

6. Gift Drives with Purpose:
If your PTA organizes gift drives or charitable events during the holidays, ensure that the gifts and donations are inclusive. Consider partnering with organizations that cater to diverse communities, ensuring that the contributions benefit everyone. This not only spreads holiday cheer but also reinforces the importance of unity and compassion. Work with your school social worker to see how your PTA can benefit the needs of your school and community to spread kindness all year long!

7. Promote Inclusive Language:
In all communications related to holiday celebrations, use language that is inclusive and respectful of diverse traditions. Be mindful of the words and phrases used in newsletters, emails, and other materials to ensure that everyone feels acknowledged and valued.

By embracing inclusivity and diversification during the holiday season, we not only strengthen our school communities but also contribute to a more harmonious and understanding society. Let us come together as PTA units and caregivers, creating connections to make this holiday season truly special for every family in our diverse and vibrant community. Happy Holidays!