As a PTA leader, you’ve probably often heard that you should integrate membership into everything your PTA does, but perhaps you’re not sure what that means exactly. Is it having a PTA membership table out at every event? Is it always having a join our PTA link in every e-mail? All of this and more? To help you sort all this out, National PTA created Membership Mania last year and is doing it again this year.

When you sign your PTA up for Membership Mania, you will:

  • Learn about all the free resources for PTAs to help grow your membership
  • Have interactive discussions on calls with National PTA leaders and other local PTA leaders to learn and share experiences and ideas with each other
  • Get fun activities and challenges for your PTA to complete
  • Doing the above to earn opportunities to win prizes

You can also use to program to create challenges, whether between your PTA board members, against other PTAs in your district, against your feeder schools, or with other PTA leaders you have met from across Illinois and the nation. You can see what activities were used in last year’s Membership Mania on National PTA’s website.

Membership Monday

Illinois PTA also has an interactive opportunity for PTAs regarding membership—Membership Monday. These quarterly interactive Zoom events are aimed at helping you and your PTA with membership. We’ll cover a few basic things you need to know related to the time of the year, have one of our fastest growing PTAs in our Reach for the Stars membership recognition program share what they did to grow their membership, and then turn the rest of the event over to you and your questions, problems, ideas, and solutions concerning membership. Our next Membership Monday is coming up on December 11th at 7:00pm. Sign up today!